All hail Shan, who was my 1000th Visitor! *bows down in worship*
Heya, guys, it's me, and welcome to the Lolaverse V 8.0. Hopefully, this will be a permanent move...Just like Homestead was supposed to be a permanent move, but NNOOOO! They've gotta start chargin' people! **grumblegrumblegrumble** Anyway, The Interstellar Crossroads will be up and running soon. Let's just hope that Tripod doesn't decide to pull this on me again right after I get into the swing of things. Okay, I'll stop ranting now, you probably don't want to hear me bitch anymore, so I'll stop...right about...NOW! ~Lola
P.S. Thankies to me MoonRabbit Lainey for the way schpiffy banner! Squee! ^_^ And double-thankies for being the first one to sign me guestbook. May she be worshipped.
Quote of the Update: "Sure, life is good...When it's not biting you in the @$$!" ~A very peeved Site Mistress
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Last Updated: 05/07/02
The Puckworld Underground
My Disney's Mighty Ducks: The Animated Series fanpage.
My Biker Mice from Mars fanpage.
Lair Loungers
My Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles fanpage.
Daughters of the Dark Legion
My Sonic the Hedgehog/Knuckles the Echidna fanpage.
Miscellaneous Lunacy
The page where I stick anything from strange unnamed furries to fandom characters and stories that I don't have enough of to make a whole page, including (but not limited to): SWAT Kats, Road Rovers, Sailor Moon, Cartoon Cartoons, other Disney thingies, Nickelodeon 'toons, and everything else I forgot to mention!
If These Halls Could Talk...
The page where I keep all of my stuff relating to the comic strip I do in my odd moments of freedom and other original projects.
Yuri's Art Page
My good buddy Yuri's (or RiRi, depending on who you ask...) spiffy anime art! Yee! And no longer JUST Anime! Thanks to my influence (muahahahaha...), Yuri has expanded to furries and Disney-ish styled works as well as the really spiffy Anime she's always done. You can also check out some joint art/roleplay projects we're working on.
View My Guestbook ~
Sign My Guestbook
Lookin' to drop a quick line or just take part in some random RPG craziness? Check out my message board: Temporary Insanity. One of the usual places to find me or just send a quick "Hello" to any of my characters. ;)