07/20/02: Yeah, I know I've been lacking major in updateness, but my scanner's a jerk and life is evil. Well, we've got bits and pieces here and there. New art in: Carlette's, Miscellaneous Lunacy, and MD Others. Not much, but it's something while I revamp the site an' stuff. Enjoy! And have pity...9_9
05/07/05: WOAH! Talk about a lapse between updates...I'm sorry, y'all, I know I've kinda slacked off, but you haven't the slightest idea of all the junk I've been having to go through...Anyway, got a decent amount of stuff...A few older sketches up in Lair Loungers, the Originals/Mine section of the Puckworld Underground, and Miscellaneous Lunacy. PLUS! New pics and a fic at Carlette's. Have fun!
02/13/02: As a way of counteracting the negative Valentine's Day aura I'm giving out, my bud /Jen convinced me to put up the sappy pics I had in stock. Most (okay, almost all) are sketches from my old sketchbooks, but eh, I like 'em. So for your viewing pleasure, I have a WHOLE MESS OF LOVEY PICS!! Along with the occassional newbie here and there. Stuff up in every single one of my galleries, so go check 'em out!! Whee!
01/20/02: Well, not much of an update, a new pic in Carlette's and just pretty much an excuse to take down the Christmas decore. And hey, if you're Visitor #1000, drop me a line! There should be more stuff up tomorrow, and keep a look out for my online comic set to debut Groundhog's Day of '02! Whee!
12/24/01: First things first...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE!!! *ahem* Alrighty, now that that's out of my system, on to the updates, shall we? We got a few more new thingies in the ITHCT Gallery and a new colored piccie in the Carlette's Gallery. Laterz!
12/20/01: WOAH! Almost two months with no update! I am so ashaaaaaamed of me....A good amount of piccies to choose from, so go check 'em out at Carlette's, both galleries in The Puckworld Underground, Miscellaneous Lunacy, and If These Halls Could Talk...! Not to mention all the really cool holiday graphics spattered around. Three cheers for PhotoShop! If I don't see you guys in a few days, Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! And Seasons Greetings in general!
10/19/01: Yay! An update! Two sketches in Carlette's, and a sketch and a colored pic in Miscellaneous Lunacy. Also...Drumroll, please...I...have written...A FIC! GO ME!! **cough** Okay, so it's not an actual fic-fic...But go to my BM Fic Page and check it out anyway. ^_~ I also added a gift section, too! Don't just stand here! Scoot!
10/09/01: Lesse...Just fidgeting with the images on my pages...Figuring out where everything goes. I know I promised updates but, blah...Life is evil. On the upside, I do have a new Message Board! Go keep yourself occupied and check it out! A big thanks goes out to Alicia for letting me host my background on her account. "THANK YOU, ALICIA!!"
10/05/01: One new pic in Carlette's. Nothin' big right now, more than likely I'll be adding a good lot of stuff Saturday or Sunday. Keep a look out.
09/27/01: I put up the pic I'm using for my Furbid Auction on my front page. Added a new pic in the Carlette's section, and five more in the Mine part Puckworld Underground section.
09/22/01: Whee! New pics! In the Puckworld Underground to be exact. Four sketches in the Mine section. Yay!
09/18/01: Okay, NOW I can say I'm pretty much done! Yuri's Art Page is up and running, too! But unfortunately, much like the Underground, most of her pics are missing... --; I'll be searching my house to see if I can find those evile missing disks, but as a back up plan, Yuri's dropping off her drawings with me so I can scan.
09/17/01: Put up the Puckworld Underground section. A bit of art there, but a lot of missing pics...The main duckie art page will tell ya specifics. But in short, I'm pretty much done! Whee!
09/14/01: OH YEAH, BABY! The Biker Mice Page is UP!! WHEE!! And with a MEGA HUGE art update!! **dances** I got on a role today and just put everything up! YES!! ALMOST THERE!! YEEEHHOOOO!
09/13/01: Added a few images and a FAQs page. Whee!
09/12/01: (About half an hour later) The Miscellaneous Lunacy section is up and running, too. Look at me go! Whee! AND three new pics there! Hoo-yeah! But remember..."If you haven't seen it, it's new to you." ;)
09/12/01: See? I told you I'd be moving this thing along. Slowly but surely working my page back to its previous status before the GO shut-down. Anyway, the Lair Loungers section is back up and so are the Daughters of the Dark Legion with a handful of art in each. If These Halls Could Talk/AerosQuest is also back up, but there's nothing in there yet. ^^;
08/04/01: Um...What's new?...This section for one thing...Yeah. Relax, relax. I'm gettin' my little tail in gear and workin' on this. See? I put up a section! Okay, so there's nothing in here, but that's okay!